Who we are
God Chasers Mission
Preaching and teaching the truth of Jesus Christ, and the crucifixion. To produce disciples of Jesus Christ who will also encourage others to know Christ for THEMSELVES, to remind each individual of Christ's return. To worship the Father in spirit and in truth with liberty and no limitations. To provide community outreaches, by helping to meet the needs of the community by providing food, clothing, shelter, and Spiritual Guidance. To KINECT (Kingdom, Individuals, Networking, Equipping, Connecting, Together) communities, families, and churches to grow together in the Kingdom of God. To strengthen marriages through M.U.C.H (Marriages Under Christ Holiness). To develop men to be a God-fearing head of their household through the ministry of (Iron Sharpen Iron Men’s Ministry). To encourage and empower women to reach their full spiritual potential without limitations through the ministry of L.O.L (Ladies of LOVE). To cultivate children with a firm foundation To prepare each person to be strong believers, not shaken or moved by man’s doctrine but constantly reminded to Only Chase God! The only true living God Jesus Christ!!